Moses Crib and Cot Mattresses - Buy With Informed Choice

Your Choice is either Fibre, Foam or Natural Coir and Lambswool? - The Facts

First let’s talk about the base

Advantages of fibre
Made from recycled plastic bottles, good for the environment
Slightly more breathable than foam 
Much, much cheaper than foam, Foam has rocketed in price, most companies are switching to fibre to be more competitively priced.
Good for occasional use at grandparents

Disadvantages of Fibre

Initially firm then poor support. dents and dips within months. Turning twice a week will help avoid this.
Will not last as long as quality foam,
Sinks, No elasticity does not bounce back, poor recovery

Advantages of Foam
There are many grades of foam this information relates to a good quality foam weight in excess of CMHR 28. Look for grades, not descriptions, Grade A Nursery foam can mean as low as CMHR 25kg
Compared to fibre even basic quality foam CMHR 28 is firmer more supportive and durable and comfortable. Foam affords a better sleep. Good quality foam should last 2 to 3 years from birth

Disadvantages of Foam
Petroleum based product is a finite source
May need airing 24 hours before use

Slightly less breathable than fibre
Price has rocketed recently caused shortages in supply, hence the race to to cheaper fibre 

Advantages or Coir and Wool

Natural product no smell, highly breathable

Renewable resource environmentally friendly
Very firm, best with 2cm wool either side

Excellent support and comfort highly durable last at least 5 years

Disadvantages of coir and wool

More expensive
Not as flexible as fibre or foam do not bend, take care when changing the cover or changing sheets

Adding springs to Fibre, Foam or Coir and Lambswool

If you add quality springs to fibre you need a much higher grade of fibre or it will dip and dent and the price will be nearly as much as foam, so perhaps not really worth it. as fibre will never outperform foam for comfort

If you are buying a pocket sprung mattress this is a minefield,
There are mattress at one end sold to hit a price point and use the basic components and at the other end cot mattresses that will last Five years, and you can use if for next baby.

The secret when buying a foam mattress is to look for either the 3–5-year guarantee or even better the quality of the foam used.

Look for anything with a foam rating of 33/150 or above if it just says Nursery Foam it will be the basic stuff! if a company is proud of the quality of its components it will promote it. 

When adding pocket springs to quality coir and lambswool this is one stunning product. Ticks every box firm comfortable durable, if made well it will last as long as the cot!


Next is covers

see you in a few days
